Multiple choice questions on forces 

Choose the best possible answers

1.  What is the best description for this distance time graph:



A      stopped          B    steady speed

C     acceleration               D    deceleration      E    increasing acceleration


2.  What is the best description for this graph:


A    stopped            B   steady speed

C     acceleration                    D    deceleration      E    increasing acceleration


3.  What is the best description for this graph? 


A     stopped            B   steady speed

C     acceleration                    D    deceleration      E    increasing acceleration

4.  What is the best description for this graph?


A     stopped            B    steady speed

C     acceleration                    D    deceleration      E    increasing acceleration


5.  What is the formula for calculating speed?

A     speed = distance x time           B   speed = distance / time

C     speed = distance / acceleration                     D    speed = acceleration / time E    speed = time / distance


6.  If an object speeds up from 20m/s to 100m/s in 4s, what is its acceleration?

A     20m/s2        B   200m/s2  

C     25m/s2                    D    5m/s2        E    30m/s2  


7.  What does the gradient of distance time graph tell us?  

A  acceleration       B   distance 

C height of slope     D    speed  E    displacement  


8.  What is the unit of speed? 

A     metre       B   second 

C     metre per second squared                    D    metre per second       E    second squared  


9. If a plane goes 2000m in 10 seconds - what is it's speed?  

A     20m/s        B   200m/s 

C     25m/s                   D    5m/s     E    30m/s  


10. What is the difference between velocity and speed?  

A     speed needs a direction   B   speed is a vector 

C     velocity is scalar   D    velocity is when speed is increasing      E    velocity is speed in one direction  


11.  What does the gradient of a velocity/time graph tell us?  

A     acceleration       B   distance travelled  

C     height of slope                    D    speed  E    displacement  


12.  What does the area under the graph tell us?  

A     acceleration B   distance travelled

C     height of slope  D    speed  E    average velocity


13.  What is the formula that connects acceleration, velocity and time? 

A     v = change in a / t       B    a = v /t 

C     t = change in v / a               D    a = change in v / t  E    acceleration = speed / time


14.  Someone's car will not start, so two friends help them by pushing it

By pushing as hard as they can for 10 seconds they make the car reach a speed of 2 metres per second
Calculate the acceleration they give to the car.

A          20 m/s2      B          12 m/s2      

C          0.4m/s2        D          0.2m/s2     E          5m/s2  


15.  Another motorist has the same problem.  The two friends push the car along the same stretch of road with the same force as before.

It takes them 8 seconds to get the second car up to a speed of 2 metres per second.

Calculate the mass of the second car.  (You can ignore forces of friction.)


A          640kg                         B          160kg                      

C          800kg                          D          3200kg                          E          1000kg


16.  The manufacturer of a family car gave the following information.
Mass of car 900 kg.  The car will accelerate from 0 to 20 m/s in 10 seconds.

Calculate the acceleration of the car during the 10 seconds

A          1m/s2                            B          2m/s2                    

C          18m/s2                          C          0.5m/s2                      E          11m/s2 


17.  A car of mass 1000kg can produce an acceleration of 8m/s2.  Calculate the force produced by the engine – ignoring friction.

A          10000N                           B          100000N             

C          8000N                             D          18000N               E          125N


Below is a velocity-time graph for a toy car travelling in a straight line.

18.  Calculate the acceleration of the car from B to C.

A          0.75m/s2                       B          -0.75m/s2                 

C          0.67m/s2                       D          -0.67m/s2                      E          -0.5m/s2


19.  Calculate the distance travelled by the car from A to B

A          2.25m                           B          1.5m                           

C          4.5m                             C          0.5625m                        E          2.75m  


20.  A sky-diver steps out of an aeroplane.  After 30 seconds she is falling at a steady speed of 60m/s.  She then opens her parachute.  After another 8 seconds she is once again falling at a steady speed.  This speed is now only 15m/s.

Calculate the sky-diver’s average acceleration during the time from when she opens her parachute until she reaches her slower steady speed.


A          2m/s                             B          -5.625m/s                       

C          -2m/s                            D          4.255m/s                            E          -7.5m/s


21. When an object is at rest on a surface - what can you say about the forces on it? 

A     they are all equal       B   they are unbalanced

C     there are no forces on it   D    all the forces cancel out E    all the forces are in the same direction

22.  For the above: What force acts downwards on the surface? 

A    weight  B   air resistance

C    reaction   D   no force E   friction

23.  For the above: What force acts upwards? 

A    weight  B   air resistance

C    reaction   D   no force E   friction

24.  For the above: What can you say about the size of the two forces 

A     they are both equal       B   they are unbalanced

C     there are no forces on it   D   they equal the friction force E    the weight must be greater than the reaction

25.  When two bodies push on each other the forces they exert on each other are ______ and _________. 

A    weight and reaction      B   unbalanced and equal

C     equal and opposite  D   balanced and identical E   friction and gravity


26.  _________ forces will have no effect on the movement of an object 

A    unbalanced      B   balanced

C     opposite  D   identical E   drag

27.  When an object is not moving what effect will balanced forces have on the object? 

A    it will start moving   B   it will speed up

C    it will slow down  D   it will not move E   it will decelerate

28.  When an object is moving - what effect will a balanced force have on the object? 

A    it will start moving faster B   it will speed up to a steady speed

C    it will slow down  D   it will not move E   it will keep going at a steady speed

29.  __________ forces are forces on an object that do not cancel out 

A    unbalanced      B   balanced

C     opposite  D   identical E   drag

30.  Describe the motion of a stationary object if an unbalanced force acts on it 

A    no change  B   it will accelerate 

C     decelerate D     it will accelerate or decelerate depending upon the forces E   impossible to say

31.  Describe the motion of a moving object if an unbalanced force acts on it. 

A    no change  B   it will accelerate 

C     decelerate D     it will accelerate or decelerate depending upon the forces E   impossible to say

32.  How will the mass of the object affect the way it speeds up or slows down? 

A    no effect B  more massive objects are easier to accelerate and harder to decelerate 

C     more massive objects are harder to accelerate and harder to decelerate  D more massive objects are easier to accelerate and easier to decelerate  E   impossible to say


33.  What is a newton a unit of?

A    mass B   weight 

C    acceleration  D    gravity  E   momentum

34.  How are force mass and acceleration related? 

A    force = mass / acceleration B   force = mass x acceleration

C     force = acceleration / mass D    mass = force x acceleration E   they are not related


35.  A force of _______ acts when an object moves through air or water 

A   friction B   acceleration 

C    deceleration D    weight E   no force acts

36.  A force of _________ acts when solid surfaces slide (or tend to slide) across each other 

A   friction B   acceleration 

C    deceleration D    weight E   no force acts

37.  The direction of friction is always ________ to the direction in which the object is moving 

A   equal B   opposite  C    unrelated


38.  The stopping distance of a car is defined as depending upon just two things ...what are they?

A   the speed of vehicle AND driver's reactions  B    if the vehicle is poorly maintained (e.g. worn brakes/tyres). AND the speed of vehicle

C    if the driver is tired AND the speed of the vehicle D    the weight of the vehicle AND the speed of the vehicle E    the distance the vehicle travels during the driver's reaction time AND the distance the vehicle travels under the braking force

39.  When an object is moving faster through a fluid - how does this affect the force of friction on it? 

A   the force of friction is greater B   the force of friction is less C     the force of friction is unaffected


40.  When an object reaches its maximum speed when falling through a fluid - what do we call it?

A    acceleration B   steady speed

C    deceleration D    terminal velocity E   constant velocity


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